reKappel is part of The Kappel Company GmbH
Purpose of the company: among others production of ornamental and decorative art objects
UID number: ATU77456003
Company register number: FN 567840i
Company headquarters: 8452 Goldes
Address: Goldes 42, Austria
Contact details: or or 0664 7502 2240
Membership in the Chamber of Commerce Organization: Member of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce
Supervisory Authority: District Administration Leibnitz
Online dispute resolution: Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: You can also send any complaints to the above e-mail address.
Copyright / Disclaimer Image and data material are subject to the copyright of reKappel and may not be used without the express permission of reKappel. Product photos by reKappel,