Our motivation
Why does reKappel exist and why do we do what we do? The idea was born from the thought that we think it's a pity when products are disposed of that would actually still have a long life ahead of them - albeit in a different form.
reKappel = [ri:ˈkʌp(ə)l] or re-couple = reunite.
Re-couple: of us with our environment; because we think about how to live more sustainably and enjoy the beautiful in life. Re-coupling wonderful products with people who want to spend quality time.
(v.l.n.r. Lorenz, Sophie, Dietmar, Sarah)
Wie tragen unsere Produkte zum Schutz unseres Planeten bei?
Weinflaschen und Kerzen sind eigentlich dafür gemacht, um weiterverwendet zu werden. Nicht nur, dass die handwerkliche Fertigung Spaß macht und die Produkte die wir erzeugen wirklich Freude bereiten, wir tragen damit auch unseren Teil zum Schutz unseres Planeten bei. Wir verleihen damit Produkten ein zweites Leben, was wiederum weniger Müll bedeutet und damit auch weniger (ökologischen) Aufwand in der Entsorgung von Müll.
#reKappel #Ressourcen-schonend-schön
The reKappel logo has several meanings:
The Arrow - symbolizes for us the cycle, the reuniting of us with our environment, the reintroduction into the cycle of products that are normally disposable.
The Three Dots - reflect the three pillars of sustainability discourse: social/societal, economic, and nature/ecology/ecosystems (Purvis et al., 2019).
The Heart - is an expression of the fact that our products are made with 100% love and that we are wholeheartedly proud to be able to make a small contribution to the protection of our environment, unmasked.